Liquor License Renewal - Login

Session Time Remaining: 

Alcoholic Beverages License Renewal


During online renewal, please do not use the back button in your browser. To make a change to answers on a previous page or to review your renewal before submitting, please use the "Back" button at the bottom of the page to return to the previous pages. If at any time you wish to exit the process, please click the"Exit" button located at the bottom of the page.

Please login below to access the online renewal form.

Who Should Login Here

The primary licensee should start the renewal form, as you'll need to upload documents such as the Maryland Sales & Use Tax License and other current documents.
You will also be required to pay the Liquor License Application Fee $50.

You'll be able to invite your co-owners who are on the license to fill out their own abbreviated renewal forms. All licensees (as displayed on your Liquor License) must submit a form by the deadline in order to begin the license renewal process.

Login Requirements

You'll need the Liquor License Number and the Password that matches your record in our database as it was submitted
in last year's Liquor License Renewal or this year's Account Registration.

The Business' License Number
Forgot Password

Page Updated: 1/31/2022 11:44:32 AM